July 13, 2018

Verbal scaffolding

This is about communication. What I want to do is start at the beginning. I mean, isn’t that the most efficient way of bringing someone else up to speed? To give them all the information, to walk them through your thinking and then have them immediately understand and follow you? Life has a start, a middle and an end, sure; but living is a continuum. There’s no way of communicating all of my experiences, education, conversations, hard won knowledge, and off the cuff heard comments in a short enough space of time that the other person will just Get It. ... Read more

July 4, 2018

The uncertainty continuum

The uncertainty continuum We’re sitting in a meeting room having another conversation about the project, and for the 3rd time someone says “but what about …?”, which leads us predictably back to the start of the meeting. Finally, after an hour or so, we give up going round in circles and dejectedly head back to our desks to execute on some small stories that we did manage to scope out, but without any of the real enthusiasm that this exciting project should offer. ... Read more

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